Alt + W - добавляет §100,000
Alt + A - Включение/Отключение загрязнение воздуха
Alt + C - Включение/Отключение преступности в городе
Alt + F - Включение/Отключение пожаров в городе
Alt + M - Включение/Отключение всех нужд и заболеваний симов
Alt + P - Включение/Отключение загрязнение почвы
Alt + P - Включение/Отключение бездомных
Alt + P - Включение/Отключение сточных вод
Переведите плз, более корректно: Читать дальше...Looking for cheat codes for SimCity? There are no cheat codes when playing SimCity in a normal region but if you choose to play a SimCity region in sandboxed mode, the following cheat codes can be used. To use the cheat codes all you have to do is press the key combination on your keyboard while your sandboxed game is unpaused. The cheat codes can be used to toggle various things around your city on or off with the exception of the money cheat.
Cheat Codes
Alt + W Adds §100,000 to your city, does not change per hour earnings/expenses.
Alt + A Toggles air pollution on and off.
Alt + C Toggles crime on and off.
Alt + F Toggles fire on and off.
Alt + M Toggles all Sim heath issues and needs on and off.
Alt + P Toggles ground pollution on and off.
Alt + H Toggles homeless Sims on and off around your city.
Alt + S Toggles sewage issues and needs on and off.