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Тема: Prince

  1. #46
    Лучший модератор раздела "Музыка", Знаток GRAMMY 2011
      Лучший модератор раздела "Музыка" 2006, "Мистер форума" Лето 2007, "Самый активный автор. Июнь 2008, Октябрь 2008", Лучший модератор раздела "Музыка" 2008, Лучший модератор раздела "Музыка" 2009, Знаток Grammy '09, Мистер Форума Лето 2009, Знаток GRAMMY 2010, Первый создатель года 2010
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    Purple Rain песня конечно отличная, но далеко не signature song. Да и вообще это был средний хит для Принса. When Doves Cry это да, один из самых больших хитов Принса. Diamonds And Pearls, Сream, 1999. Вот это точно его signature songs.

  2. #47
    Модератор, Консультант по немецкому языку
    Подпольный активист mixei.ru 2010, Почетный SimsЛингвист 2010
      Лучший модератор раздела "Музыка" 2007, Знаток Grammy '08, Sims.miXei.RU: Окно в Европу,"The Best Plant" Award 2009
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    Tim Urban Нее... Уж не знаю, насколько хорошо они продавались, но Purple Rain гораздо знаменитее и значительнее, чем другие.
    When Doves Cry, по-моему, вообще ужасная песня.
    Alle Kunst strebt kontinuierlich den Zustand von Musik an
    Default Replacements для Симс 2

  3. #48
    Лучший модератор раздела "Музыка", Знаток GRAMMY 2011
      Лучший модератор раздела "Музыка" 2006, "Мистер форума" Лето 2007, "Самый активный автор. Июнь 2008, Октябрь 2008", Лучший модератор раздела "Музыка" 2008, Лучший модератор раздела "Музыка" 2009, Знаток Grammy '09, Мистер Форума Лето 2009, Знаток GRAMMY 2010, Первый создатель года 2010
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    но Purple Rain гораздо знаменитее и значительнее, чем другие
    Это почему ж??? Purple Rain был выпущен как сингл одним из последних с саундтрека. И я все же склоняюсь к тому, что не так уж чтобы он был значительнее остальных крупных синглов Принса.

  4. #49
    Лучший модератор раздела "Музыка", Знаток GRAMMY 2011
      Лучший модератор раздела "Музыка" 2006, "Мистер форума" Лето 2007, "Самый активный автор. Июнь 2008, Октябрь 2008", Лучший модератор раздела "Музыка" 2008, Лучший модератор раздела "Музыка" 2009, Знаток Grammy '09, Мистер Форума Лето 2009, Знаток GRAMMY 2010, Первый создатель года 2010
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    Шикарный трибьют Принсу на прошедших наградах канала BET с учатием Алиши и Джанелл - http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xdu...7224453_webcam
    When you think Tim McGraw
    I hope you think of me

  5. #50
    Лучший модератор раздела "Музыка", Знаток GRAMMY 2011
      Лучший модератор раздела "Музыка" 2006, "Мистер форума" Лето 2007, "Самый активный автор. Июнь 2008, Октябрь 2008", Лучший модератор раздела "Музыка" 2008, Лучший модератор раздела "Музыка" 2009, Знаток Grammy '09, Мистер Форума Лето 2009, Знаток GRAMMY 2010, Первый создатель года 2010
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    Похоже, что новой страстью Принса стала бесплатное распространение своей музыки. Сначала был 2007 год и приложение Planet Earth к британской Mail on Sunday. А сейчас чуть ли не половина Европы получит новую пластинку под названием 20Ten почти бесплатно. В Британии диск будет идти вместе с газетой Daily Mirror, в Германии вместе с журналом Rolling Stone, во Франции с газетой Courrier International, в Бельгии с газетами Het Nieuwsblad and De Gentenaar. И все это уже в этом месяце!! В одной только Британии тираж будет 2,5 миллиона. Примечательно, что в США альбом распространяться бесплатно не будет, и когда появится не известно.
    Обложка пластинки - Читать дальше...
    When you think Tim McGraw
    I hope you think of me

  6. #51
    Лучший модератор раздела "Музыка", Знаток GRAMMY 2011
      Лучший модератор раздела "Музыка" 2006, "Мистер форума" Лето 2007, "Самый активный автор. Июнь 2008, Октябрь 2008", Лучший модератор раздела "Музыка" 2008, Лучший модератор раздела "Музыка" 2009, Знаток Grammy '09, Мистер Форума Лето 2009, Знаток GRAMMY 2010, Первый создатель года 2010
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    Интересное интервью Принса газете Daily Mirror, из которого можно узнать много интересного - Читать дальше...
    Prince - world exclusive interview: Peter Willis goes inside the star's secret world
    By Peter Willis 5/07/2010

    My audience with Prince has taken a bizarre downward turn.

    I'm trying to interview the rock legend but he's more interested in an impromptu jam session on the stage of his private concert hall - with me on drums.

    We're two minutes into Beatles classic Come Together and I'm getting into my stride when I become aware that Prince is staring across at me and wincing.

    "Stop! Stop! Stop!" he shouts, slamming his hand down on his purple grand piano. "Have you ever seen The Apprentice on TV? Cos You're fired!"

    I protest. Let's take it from the top again, I suggest. But too late. I've blown it.

    Still, there can't be many people who've been hired and fired by Prince, all in the space of a few minutes.

    My humiliation came at the end of an extraordinary day in which I was given a rare insight into the very private world of one of the greatest rock stars on the planet. A living legend who has sold more than 100 million albums over 30 years.

    Prince agreed to his first British newspaper interview for 10 years before his eagerly anticipated new album 20TEN which, in the biggest music giveaway of the year, will be released free in the UK only in the Daily Mirror this Saturday.

    The interview almost doesn't happen. Then it's on as long as I can meet him the very next day at his home town of Minneapolis in the US Midwest (and I'm ordered not to bring a camera, mobile phone or tape recorder).

    After a transatlantic dash I arrive at the hotel to find Shelby Johnson, one of Prince's backing singers, waiting to drive me down the road to his Paisley Park base - a name that's as synonymous with Prince as Neverland was with Michael Jackson.

    I'd envisaged a lavish purple palace at the end of a winding lane, but it turns out to be a huge white 70,000 square foot building, more like an industrial complex, on a busy main road.

    Shelby shows me into a room like a 50s diner and, before I have had chance to sit down, Prince strides in, beaming, with hand outstretched.

    I'm amazed. Where is the superstar entourage - burly security, manic PRs and personal assistants?

    "Hi," he says, "I'm so glad you could come." His voice is deeper than I expected, he's certainly small (5ft 2in at most), looks almost half his age (52), and is dressed immaculately, if oddly, in white silk trousers, flouncy green silk shirt, an ivory tunic and white pumps (which, I suspect, are stacked).

    "You must come and listen to the album," he says. "I hope you like it. It's great that it will be free to readers of your newspaper. I really believe in finding new ways to distribute my music."

    He explains that he decided the album will be released in CD format only in the Mirror. There'll be no downloads anywhere in the world because of his ongoing battles against internet abuses.

    Unlike most other rock stars, he has banned YouTube and iTunes from using any of his music and has even closed down his own official website.

    He says: "The internet's completely over. I don't see why I should give my new music to iTunes or anyone else. They won't pay me an advance for it and then they get angry when they can't get it.

    "The internet's like MTV. At one time MTV was hip and suddenly it became outdated. Anyway, all these computers and digital gadgets are no good.

    "They just fill your head with numbers and that can't be good for you."

    Then he leads me to his recording studio and urges me to sit in his leather swivel chair at the enormous mixing desk. Wow! I've finally arrived at the epicentre of Prince's world - the scene of fabled all-night-long sessions in which he apparently plays up to 27 instruments.

    This is where the genius behind classics such as Purple Rain, When Doves Cry, 1999 and Let's Go Crazy creates his music. The walls are a vibrant reddish purple, flickering candles line every ledge and the smell of incense fills the air.

    Prince jabs a few buttons and hidden speakers burst into life with my preview. He looks at me searching for a reaction. All fears that it might be uninspiring vanish as my foot starts tapping.

    It's instantly infectious. Amazing. Thankfully it's a return to his early blistering form which captivated millions of fans around the world and I love it.

    "This one's called Compassion," says Prince. But as I try to scribble it down he looks aghast, grabs my wrist and pleads: "Please, please. It's a surprise, don't spoil it for people."

    So why did you decide to call the album 20TEN? I ask. "I just think it's a year that really matters," he says. These are very trying times." To emphasise the point he chivvies me into another room, switches on the TV and shows me clips from an evangelical TV documentary blaming corporate America for a range of woes from Hurricane Katrina to asthmatic children.

    He says one problem is that "people, especially young people, don't have enough God in their lives".

    Prince has been a devout Jehovah's Witness for more than 10 years.

    He even has a space set aside which he's labeled The Knowledge Room, with a library of religious books.

    Prince talks about his beliefs with missionary zeal, but ask him anything remotely personal and he's brusque. Question him on his childhood and he says: "I don't talk about the past."

    On his relationship with his stunning girlfriend Bria Valente, he says: "Self interest is on the back-burner now."

    And on late friend/foe Michael Jackson, he simply replies: "Next question."

    Time for another surprise. "Come," he says, and like an excitable Willy Wonka, he leads me down corridors lined with glinting platinum discs to a lounge where his three talented backing singers, Shelby Johnson, Olivia Warfield and Elisa Fiorilla, are waiting by an ebony futuristic grand piano.

    Prince shows me to a seat in the middle of the room and starts playing a rousing track Act of God from the new album 20TEN... especially for me.

    Surreal isn't the word. I thank them profusely, Prince smiles and sends me off for dinner. But as it's "only" 10pm he suggests we regroup back here in an hour "to party".

    As he's gained a reputation as the Prince of Darkness for not starting gigs until 2am and not leaving clubs until dawn, my expectations run high. When I return later to Prince's weird HQ, he welcomes me warmly into what appears to be his own private nightclub.

    It's lavishly kitted out with velvet circular sofas, a dancefloor and there's a stairway up to a balcony.

    On two huge screens, at least 20ft high, there are videos of him performing.

    But where are the guests? And where's the bar? Of course, I remember, he's a strict teetotal vegan - when one of those backing singers wanders in, offering me a glass of still water.

    She is closely followed by the other two, carrying trays of sliced melon and raw vegetables, which they place on a long table beside a large Bible. "Help yourself," says one.

    Prince walks in with girlfriend Bria, in a shimmering full-length evening gown like she's at the Oscars. Twice married and divorced, he has been with the singer, who's almost half his age, for three years.

    He produced her first solo album Elixer last year and she has become a Jehovah's Witness. He introduces her and she looks around and says: "Sorry, I think I'm a little overdressed!"

    They pop out for a minute and return, with her proudly holding a food blender filled with a banana smoothie which they pour into glasses for themselves.

    Just when it couldn't get any more bizarre, Prince clambers behind video equipment under the stairs and starts screening 1970s clips from the US TV show Soul Train of his music heroes such as Marvin Gaye and Barry White.

    He urges his guests - all five of us - to dance and the spirited backing singers look like they're having the time of their lives.

    Prince occasionally emerges from under the stairs to study the screens a bit closer. But when I try to talk to him he runs back to his hole, shouting: "Too many questions."

    From his agility, it's clear rumours he needs a double hip op after too much dancing on high heels are unfounded. But he bores quickly of the videos and we're off again, down more corridors of platinum discs, past iconic guitars and that famous bike from Purple Rain.

    He's decided to take us to his private concert hall, which, with a capacity for more than 1,000 people, is awesome.

    Pride of place is a huge Love Symbol #2 - now the name of the symbol he changed his name to when he fell out with his old record company Warners.

    He says: "It's what I always dreamed of when I was a young musician, playing in the basement. Music is my life. It's my trade. If I can't get it out of my head I can't function. Someone told me they saw me at my peak, but how do they know when my peak is? I think I'm improving all the time. When I listen to my old records I'm ashamed of how I played then."

    He adds earnestly: "Playing electric guitar your whole life does something to you. I'm convinced all that electricity racing through my body made me keep my hair."

    Then he orders us all on the stage, saying: "Get yourself an instrument." Prince sits at his purple piano, the backing singers by their microphones and me on the drums. Only to be found out.

    It's only midnight but after firing me Prince clearly decides he can take no more. As he bids me farewell, I cheekily pull out a camera and ask for a picture.

    He shakes his head. "It's much better in the memory bank," says the star. Then he turns to a backing singer and says: "The picture will make your eyes look red and they will use it really big."

    Prince doesn't need an army of PRs to advise him on his image. For all the time I spent with him he still managed to retain that air of mystery.

    Prince: How the rock legend turned his life around
    By Peter Willis 6/07/2010

    One of the world’s raunchiest rock stars, Prince is in his stacked heels and flamboyant suit strutting from house to house around an ordinary suburban estate.

    Flanked by minders, he goes up a garden path, knocks on a door and politely asks the householder: “Would you like to talk about God?”

    It’s an extraordinary image. You can only imagine the shock of a *homeowner finding the superstar on their doorstep clutching a bible and delivering a message about the divine.

    Can this really be the same man who shot to fame with outrageously explicit songs such as Sexy MF?

    Prince admits his door-to-door missions as a Jehovah’s Witness raises eyebrows. “Sometimes people act surprised but mostly they’re really cool about it.

    Sometimes he tries to escape his fame by going in disguise. He says: “My hair is capable of doing a lot of different things. I don’t always look like this.”

    You only have to meet Prince for a few minutes to realise the extent to which God – rather than the colour purple – now influences how he lives.

    Much of what he says, as well as his songwriting, revolves around his beliefs these days. Even the mysterious numbers he slots into his material are thought to be coded biblical references.

    I join Prince at his Paisley Park base near his home city of Minneapolis in the US Midwest.

    It is days before his eagerly anticipated new album 20TEN is released free inside this Saturday’s Daily Mirror in the biggest music giveaway of the year.

    In my view it’s his best record since his brilliant Sign o’ the Times and, with *references from “fat bankers” to melting ice caps, it’s his most socially aware.

    The songs – and even his *decision to give them away free to Mirror readers – have been

    influenced by his faith.

    He says: “It’s great to give away my music through your *newspaper. God is a generous and loving being. It is written that we should act like God. There are enough opportunities.”

    On my guided tour of Paisley Park it’s clear that for Prince the most important part of the 70,000 sq ft complex isn’t the recording studio where he’s created hit after *worldwide hit but a peaceful *sanctuary on the first floor which he calls The *Knowledge Room.

    Lined with shelves of religious *literature, it’s where he contemplates the meaning of life, prays and studies the Bible for up to six hours a day, sometimes long into the night.

    The teetotal vegan, a youthful-looking 52, is certain his faith has changed his life.

    He says: “There’s an incredible peace in my life now and I’m trying to share it with people.”

    He talks with a real missionary zeal though some of his comments are puzzling. At one point he says: “You know there are bad angels as well as good angels.”

    It reminded me that he once revealed he had epileptic seizures when he was young – until “my mother told me one day I had said to her, ‘Mom I’m not going to be sick any more because an angel told me so.’”

    I ask him about the story. He thinks for a moment and then says: “I never talk about the past.”

    Subject closed.

    He avoids performing his most X-rated sexual material from the 80s and early 90s – those massive selling songs such as Gett Off – and cautions against swearing because “you call up all the anger”.

    He is also known to donate huge chunks of his £100million fortune to good causes around the

    world. And, perhaps most surprising of all, the man who was romantically linked to beauties including Sheena Easton, Kim Basinger and Carmen Electra – and sang about “23 positions in a one night stand” – is a fan of monogamy.

    He’s been dating *stunning singer Bria Valente, who is almost half his age, for at least three years.

    For Prince that’s no small feat!

    It is believed that, like his second wife Manuela Testolini, who he divorced in 2006, Bria has become a Jehovah’s Witness, has been baptised in a pool and attends regular Bible studies at their local Kingdom Hall meeting place.

    The background to why he *abandoned a world of hedonistic excess can be traced to a series of tragedies in the mid to late 90s.

    It was a time when his glittering career seemed to be faltering and contractual frustrations with his then record company Warners were boiling over.

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    He replaced his name with an unpronounceable symbol, became the Artist Formerly Known As Prince and scrawled SLAVE on his cheek.

    But all that paled beside the anguish of the death of his baby son Gregory in 1996.

    Prince had set his heart on starting a family with his first wife, dancer Mayte Garcia.

    Seven days after their child was born the child died from a genetic disorder of the skull called Pfieffer syndrome.

    More heartbreak and soul-searching followed with the death of both the star’s parents.

    Dad John L Nelson was a pianist and bandleader.

    Prince’s mother, the jazz singer Mattie Shaw, died six months later. Her final wish was said to be that her son should become a Jehovah’s Witness as she had been for most of her life. Prince grappled with depression and something approaching a midlife crisis.

    To the outside world he was a gleaming example of the American Dream.

    Prince Rogers Nelson, an African-American boy from a broken home on the wrong side of the tracks who had faced down the bullies at school and every other obstacle to conquer the world with truly *innovative music.

    A rock legend who had amassed a fortune from global tours and sales of more than 100 million albums, including classics such as Purple Rain, 1999 and Diamonds and Pearls.

    And when he wasn’t making music, he was picking up beautiful women or awards including Grammys and even an Oscar.

    But for Prince all the dizzying success meant little. As he searched for purpose to his life he became friends with one of his heroes – former Sly and the Family Stone bassist Larry Graham, now 63.

    The soul veteran made a huge *impression on Prince, telling him how he had recovered from a life of drugs and violence by being born again as a Jehovah’s Witness. Larry convinced him to convert.

    Prince says: “Larry goes door to door to tell people the truth about God. “That’s why I told myself I need to know a man like him. He’s a friend who calls me his baby brother.”

    Larry says: “Prince is a spiritual man. Sometimes we study for hours – six, seven, eight hours a day. We sit down and get into the scriptures.”

    Prince’s place of worship is the Chanhassen Congregation, a few miles from Paisley Park.

    One of the elders there says: “We have watched Prince since he started studying the Bible and noticed a dramatic change. We go on Bible studies together and work in field service, the door-to-door ministry that Jehovah’s Witnesses are known for.

    “When people being called on get past the initial shock of actually meeting Prince, he is very persuasive. He uses the *scriptures very well.”

    Critics claim it has led to him adopting surprisingly hardline conservative views on issues such as gay marriage and *abortion.

    In one interview two years ago, he was quoted as saying: “God came to earth and saw people sticking it wherever and doing it with whatever, and he just cleared it all out.

    “He was like, ‘Enough.’”

    Prince denied taking such a stance and is now careful not be drawn on his beliefs.

    “I can give you books to read and you would understand,” he says, “But I ain’t going into details with you.”

    I ask does he regret the wild image which helped catapult him to fame all those years ago? The dirty lyrics, *endorsements of casual sex, the nude figure on the cover of Lovesexy?

    He thinks, smiles and in typically Prince style says: “I live in the here and now. You should try it too.”

    До релиза осталось всего 2 дня!!! Сомневаюсь, что в сети он появится раньше.
    When you think Tim McGraw
    I hope you think of me

  7. #52
    Лучший модератор раздела "Музыка", Знаток GRAMMY 2011
      Лучший модератор раздела "Музыка" 2006, "Мистер форума" Лето 2007, "Самый активный автор. Июнь 2008, Октябрь 2008", Лучший модератор раздела "Музыка" 2008, Лучший модератор раздела "Музыка" 2009, Знаток Grammy '09, Мистер Форума Лето 2009, Знаток GRAMMY 2010, Первый создатель года 2010
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    Вчера Принс появился в ток-шоу The View, скорее всего, для промо своего грядущего американского турне Welcome 2 America, первого за последние 6 лет.


    Концовка этого появления очень позабавила=)).
    When you think Tim McGraw
    I hope you think of me

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